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Persepsi dan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur (Studi Kasus Pembangunan Mrt Rute Koridor Selatan-utara, Tahap 1, Lebak Bulus Jakarta Selatan

机译:社区对基础设施发展的感知和参与(以雅加达南部Lebak Bulus一期南北走廊路线的Mrt开发为例)



Infrastructure development is an important part of an expansion of a regionand country which is the duties and obligations of the center or local government. Ininfrastructure development social aspects should be noticed in order to realize a participatoryand quality development. MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) development policy is a policy to increasethe infrastructure development. This research was a development study which reviewed on howthe perception and participation of the society towards the infrastructure developmentparticularly in MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) development in Lebak Bulus District, South Jakarta.This was a mixed research method between quantitative and qualitative with samplingtechnique using questionnaire, interview and document. The main focuses in this research werethe context of society perception to MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) development in Lebak BulusDistrict, South Jakarta, society participation towards the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit)development in Lebak Bulus District, South Jakarta, and the correlation of perception andparticipation of the society towards the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) development in Lebak BulusDistrict, South Jakarta from its implementation in the field.
机译:基础设施发展是地区和国家扩张的重要组成部分,这是中心或地方政府的职责和义务。基础设施发展应注意社会方面,以实现参与性和质量发展。地铁(MRT)发展政策是一项增加基础设施发展的政策。这项研究是一项发展研究,回顾了社会对基础设施发展的看法和参与程度,特别是在雅加达南部Lebak Bulus区的MRT(大众捷运系统)发展中的情况。这是定量和定性与抽样技术结合使用问卷调查的混合研究方法,面试和记录。这项研究的主要重点是社会对雅加达南部Lebak Bulus区的MRT(大众快速公交)发展的认知背景,社会对南雅加达Lebak Bulus区的MRT(Mass快速公交)发展的参与以及认知的相关性社区的参与,从其在实地的实施,推动其在雅加达南部Lebak BulusDistrict的MRT(大众快速运输)发展。



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